Recent Publication- Wandering through paint in the wet tropics

Glade-Wright, R.E. & Scotcher, J. 2019, “Wandering through paint in the wet tropics”, Creative Industries Journal, , pp. 1-12

This article was published in the Creative Industries Journal, November 2019. Glade-Wright summaries some key aspects of my walking-painting methodology developed during PhD research.

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Glade-Wright, R.E. & Scotcher, J. 2019, “Wandering through paint in the wet tropics”, Creative Industries Journal, , pp. 1-12


Painterly depictions of landscapes are redolent of an artist’s vision and entwine topographical features with knowledge and experience of a place. Significant landscape paintings can become iconic images suggesting the national character of a region. In the genre of Australian landscape painting, images of southern states have dominated the field, while portrayals of the wet tropics are comparatively rare. In this article, artist Jacqueline Scotcher directs a northern lens to the field of Australian landscape painting. Her culturally significant paintings extend the field by depicting the far north region of the wet tropics. This case study reveals how Scotcher’s practice–led doctoral research expanded her contextual and theoretical understanding of place, emplacement, and phenomenology. In a reflexive process that oscillated between reading, thinking, writing and painting Scotcher has established new knowledge of art practice by developing an immersive walking-painting method. The walking-painting method has much to offer other artists seeking imaginative and aesthetic responses to their environments. Scotcher’s work has resulted from considering one’s bodily presence, the power of everyday movement and the beautiful import of attending to our unfolding presence in a tangled world of relationships in paint.

Hinchinbrook Island National Park, Far North Queensland, Australia
Hinchinbrook Island National Park, Far North Queensland, Australia

In-school Workshops


In 2019 I visited over thirty Qld schools to deliver workshops. It was such an experience! The best parts:

  • Sharing my knowledge & skills that I have developed as an artist-researcher over the past decade
  • Really feeling like I added value with aligning workshops with senior syllabus content
  • Spending time with an awesome range of teachers & students
  • Integrating theory & practical skills through workshops
  • Working alongside students with return mentor visits

I was so pleased with this student’s outcome from some workshop visits:

It was good because she taught us new techniques that we can use in our assessment items.  Jacquie also helped as understand the importance of research for our artworks. It helped me improve my grade by explaining the process of making art.  It helped make art more fun and it expanded my current knowledge greatly!

I’m now taking bookings for 2020! Specialising in working with senior students.

I tweak each workshop according to your class current focus, size and timeframe. But some examples of past workshops are: accompanying on authentic experience excursion, a full day or half-day workshop with mix of theory & practical techniques, artist talk single lesson visit… or a combination of these.

All I require is your best dates, no. of students and any helpful info as to your students’ focus &/or what your aim for my visit is. 

Happy to have a chat to discuss what may suit you. Feel free to phone: 0427808090 or email:

Happy planning and all the best for 2020!

Framing the Future

Community and connecting with surrounding environments are core aspects of my creative practice philosophy. So when opportunity arose to have a painting support this agenda, I had to be involved.

Mt Cordeaux for Sunrise, 2019 sold to none other than Senator Larissa Waters, raising funds for local Paddington candidate, Donna Burns, who notes; ‘Our community driven campaign is about vibrant, inclusive and sustainable neighbourhoods where together, we can build a future for all of us‘.

Thank-you to Kathy Reid for organising such a quality community event. Below are some pics and the story behind this one-off painting.


Mt Cordeaux for Sunrise, 2019, Acrylic on canvas, 64 x 54cm
Mt Cordeaux for Sunrise, 2019, Acrylic on canvas, 64 x 54cm

Hey Jacquie, want to hike Mt Cordeaux for sunrise Sunday? Yes!

We leave Brisbane in the dark early hours. Cool pre-dawn air welcoming us onto the path. Moving along with crunching feet cutting through the darkness, the walking rhythm soon takes hold. Glimpses of orange sun filters through the trees, and the surrounding bush slowly becomes illuminated.

This painting is about this journey; the sensations encountered moving through the natural terrain. Mountain undulations peeking through fog, golden to steely blue sky and rock forms framing the weaving path, just some of the impressions experienced. The layered painting evokes these moments in an attempt to capture the intangible beauty and internal renewal that comes when walking at dawn.


Selection of featured works
Selection of featured works

Images courtesy of D.Page Facebook
Images courtesy of D.Page Facebook

Art Hotel & the Tropics

Studio shot: Cairns Art Hotel work in progress
Studio shot: Cairns Art Hotel work in progress


Grateful to be working on this commission for the new Bailey Art Hotel in Cairns. Works in progress.

The Far North tropical environment has preoccupied my creative practice for many years now. Why? I think because a relationship between self & nature harbours a spiritual connection that help make sense of the world & place in it.

Living in FNQ, I shifted from a sense of disconnect (& despise of humidity) to a genuine sense of emplacement. I came to know the terrain & myself through art practice. This process involved investing mindful & consistent time walking in the local landscape, then consolidating & extending this bodily experience through painting.

I have a deep respect for the Far North natural landscape. It is one of my ‘homes’ & taught me so very much; to listen, feel & be grounded. So although my practice focus may be slightly redirecting to other terrains of late, I am so very happy to dwell in the experiences of walking on Far North bush tracks & beaches for this series of 4 paintings.

Creative Inquiry- Laying Quality Foundations


I was fortunate to have a rigorous and passionate visual arts education at high school. The value of this visual art program delivery, I  believe, determined my future career as an artist and founded deep appreciation for the arts. It gave me a sense of self and purpose.

This background makes me particularly proud to be included as a case study in Creative Inquiry; visual art for Queensland senior secondary students (Cambridge University Press 2019). I’m included in the Art as Knowledge chapter, author the wonderful Leanne Shead.

Creative Inquiry breaks down the VA syllabus in a practical manner, providing examples of student work, case studies and copious visual examples to navigate the units. In line with this text, I have devised in-school workshops to suit the syllabus unit directions- I strangely love a well written syllabus/rubric!! 

I hope that my work can serve as inspiration to young artists and perhaps resonate with at least a few to help them develop their own creative practice and ultimately navigate the world around them.

Exhibition Announcement

promo_meshwork_1Excited to have my first exhibition in Brisbane! This exhibition will have a series of recent work including paintings and digital collages. All welcome to attend the opening event on Friday 7 December, rsvp is appreciated:

Paths, 2017

Sometimes I watch this on loop…

My sense of place is comprised by countless lived experiences that resemble wayfaring paths interwoven into the fabric of my psyche. In this artwork, drawn lines move along in a slow and meditative manner layering and fading like memories in an endless cycle. Paths visually distils the complex embodied knowledge I have developed through walking in the natural landscape and conveys the continual investigation of understanding place and self.