Grateful to be working on this commission for the new Bailey Art Hotel in Cairns. Works in progress.
The Far North tropical environment has preoccupied my creative practice for many years now. Why? I think because a relationship between self & nature harbours a spiritual connection that help make sense of the world & place in it.
Living in FNQ, I shifted from a sense of disconnect (& despise of humidity) to a genuine sense of emplacement. I came to know the terrain & myself through art practice. This process involved investing mindful & consistent time walking in the local landscape, then consolidating & extending this bodily experience through painting.
I have a deep respect for the Far North natural landscape. It is one of my ‘homes’ & taught me so very much; to listen, feel & be grounded. So although my practice focus may be slightly redirecting to other terrains of late, I am so very happy to dwell in the experiences of walking on Far North bush tracks & beaches for this series of 4 paintings.