Annnddddd…. that’s a wrap! 2020 high school workshops have come to a close.
This year I enjoyed visiting schools (or re-visiting) between northern NSW up to Mackay; to share theory, practical skills, excursion explorations and mentoring. Congratulations to the staff who organised me to attend as a visiting artist. This year I worked primarily with senior classes.
Also, thank you to the schools who jumped onboard to my online content during ‘learning-from’home’ period. I was so very impressed to see how teachers adapted during this time- you nailed it!

Next year I’ll be back on deck, albeit a little differently. Term 1 I will be on maternity leave- as a little boy will be coming into our family in December. But I will still be here and have developed some online content to fill the gap :)
I have an Art as Knowledge Online Toolkit available. This is an educational portal made up of several ‘bite-sized’ recordings and resources. This is made in response to the last two years of observing students working through their senior studies and reflecting on what I learned in making initial online incursions. It is aimed at helping students independently work through their individual inquiries, particularly in Qld unit 3 but is relevant beyond this. My hope is that this content can reach beyond my Brisbane parameters to regional schools.
Face-to-face workshops will resume from term 2.
Here is a information sheet with a detailed breakdown of online toolkit/how to get onboard and 2021 estimate rates/availability for your planning purposes. Be sure to make contact with ANY questions, always enjoy a conversation and to discover if I can be of assistance with your teaching & learning plans.