I was fortunate to have a rigorous and passionate visual arts education at high school. The value of this visual art program delivery, I believe, determined my future career as an artist and founded deep appreciation for the arts. It gave me a sense of self and purpose.
This background makes me particularly proud to be included as a case study in Creative Inquiry; visual art for Queensland senior secondary students (Cambridge University Press 2019). I’m included in the Art as Knowledge chapter, author the wonderful Leanne Shead.
Creative Inquiry breaks down the VA syllabus in a practical manner, providing examples of student work, case studies and copious visual examples to navigate the units. In line with this text, I have devised in-school workshops to suit the syllabus unit directions- I strangely love a well written syllabus/rubric!!
I hope that my work can serve as inspiration to young artists and perhaps resonate with at least a few to help them develop their own creative practice and ultimately navigate the world around them.