Community and connecting with surrounding environments are core aspects of my creative practice philosophy. So when opportunity arose to have a painting support this agenda, I had to be involved.
Mt Cordeaux for Sunrise, 2019 sold to none other than Senator Larissa Waters, raising funds for local Paddington candidate, Donna Burns, who notes; ‘Our community driven campaign is about vibrant, inclusive and sustainable neighbourhoods where together, we can build a future for all of us‘.
Thank-you to Kathy Reid for organising such a quality community event. Below are some pics and the story behind this one-off painting.

Hey Jacquie, want to hike Mt Cordeaux for sunrise Sunday? Yes!
We leave Brisbane in the dark early hours. Cool pre-dawn air welcoming us onto the path. Moving along with crunching feet cutting through the darkness, the walking rhythm soon takes hold. Glimpses of orange sun filters through the trees, and the surrounding bush slowly becomes illuminated.
This painting is about this journey; the sensations encountered moving through the natural terrain. Mountain undulations peeking through fog, golden to steely blue sky and rock forms framing the weaving path, just some of the impressions experienced. The layered painting evokes these moments in an attempt to capture the intangible beauty and internal renewal that comes when walking at dawn.