All posts by Jacqueline Scotcher

Watch Online Anytime: Artlands Conversation Series

What happens when we slow down and pay attention?
I was on a panel discussing this topic; with artists Gareth Hart and Bronwyn Bancroft, with the insightful guide Alana Hunt.

I found it really interesting that as artists we were discussing our creative practices and how they may align or deviate, although we have very different experiences and approaches. The lens of ‘slowness’ and engaging with sustained thinking/making emerged.

Watch the recorded conversation here:

Hometown Group Show

Looking forward to being part of the ‘Hometown’ group show at revival Art & Design Gallery. I will have a selection of new works based on the landscape of Yamba in Northern NSW. The paintings are available for purchase.

17 Greg Chappell St, Albion, QLD
Exhibition 23rd March- 4th April
Opening Evening Thursday March 24th, 5.30-7.30pm
Hope to see you there!

Online Toolkit for Senior Vis Arts Students

Very happy to introduce my online educational toolkit! I developed this resource as a comprehensive online incursion/artist residency to aid senior Queensland visual arts students navigate their unit 3 and 4 projects. Watch this short video for an overview:

The content has emerged from my own creative practice, from working with over fifty Queensland schools and my university lecturing experience. There is a series of videos that address topics and skills relevant to senior students teacher-driven and independent investigations. The aim is to inform, inspire and guide students through the sometimes complex terrain of creative practice.

Video recordings cover topics such as:
– An artist talk
– Inquiry process breakdown
– Site visit gathering stimulus example
– Studio demos
– Writing skills
– Research skills such as locating influential artists & journal strategies

In addition I have curated a range of links to reputable sources, such as gallery websites, to help students develop their independent research skills.

With individual projects each student’s research journey is different. The online toolkit is designed for students to watch (or rewatch) when the content is relevant to their projects.

If you’re interested in access to the online toolkit, please email me at ALSO see the below information sheet for rates and face-to-face workshop availability.

2021 Workshop Information Sheet

Limited Edition Prints: Inscapes 2020

I recently had the privilege of working with local art capture specialists Printroom Editions. The painterly, textural qualities I work so hard to muster in my work is captured and colour matching on point.

So I am excited to announce that Inscapes 2020 work will be available in some limited edition prints!

Below is a guide to the fourteen pieces in the collection and some size options designed to fit standard frame dimensions. The beautifully detailed images are printed on sexy fine art textured silk paper, signed and editioned.

Make contact by Monday 3rd of November to ensure you receive your print in time for Christmas or if you have any questions.
Phone: 0427808090

Inscapes 2020 Limited Edition Prints Guide Inscapes 2020 Online Catalogue

High School Workshops

2021 Workshop Information Sheet

Annnddddd…. that’s a wrap! 2020 high school workshops have come to a close.
This year I enjoyed visiting schools (or re-visiting) between northern NSW up to Mackay; to share theory, practical skills, excursion explorations and mentoring. Congratulations to the staff who organised me to attend as a visiting artist. This year I worked primarily with senior classes.

Also, thank you to the schools who jumped onboard to my online content during ‘learning-from’home’ period. I was so very impressed to see how teachers adapted during this time- you nailed it!

Next year I’ll be back on deck, albeit a little differently. Term 1 I will be on maternity leave- as a little boy will be coming into our family in December. But I will still be here and have developed some online content to fill the gap :)

I have an Art as Knowledge Online Toolkit available. This is an educational portal made up of several ‘bite-sized’ recordings and resources. This is made in response to the last two years of observing students working through their senior studies and reflecting on what I learned in making initial online incursions. It is aimed at helping students independently work through their individual inquiries, particularly in Qld unit 3 but is relevant beyond this. My hope is that this content can reach beyond my Brisbane parameters to regional schools.

Face-to-face workshops will resume from term 2.

Here is a information sheet with a detailed breakdown of online toolkit/how to get onboard and 2021 estimate rates/availability for your planning purposes. Be sure to make contact with ANY questions, always enjoy a conversation and to discover if I can be of assistance with your teaching & learning plans.

2021 Workshop Information Sheet

Inscapes 2020: Join me for Art Display, Talk & Morning Tea

This year has been full of cancellations & changes but paintings need to be seen in real life! Come along to be in a beautiful space, surrounded with paintings & community.

There are two ways to join/timeframes:
Where: Newstead Studios, 22 Ross St Newstead (opposite Bunnings)
Date: Saturday November 14th
Time: 9.45-11am Artist Talk & Morning Tea, tickets available here
OR 11am- 1pm Drop in for a casual viewing (no ticket required)

This event is a morning of the best things: art, coffee, snacks & philosophy, shared in a beautiful space. My new collection of paintings, Inscapes 2020, will be on display for one day only! In this artist talk/seminar, I will share insights about the art-making process, reflect on this unexpected year and offer some useful discoveries into how engaging with art may enrich your daily life.

ALL ARE WELCOME to attend. I aim to de-mystify the sometimes-complicated world of art and philosophy. My passion to share my knowledge and and ways to incorporate art in everyday life in an approachable way.

The event entails:

  • First viewing of Inscapes 2020.
  • A friendly talk with images where you will learn about the artist’s studio processes and motives. Aimed to enrich your general art knowledge, own creative practice or teaching.
  • Receive an exhibition catalogue and small gift.
  • Enjoy a morning tea (tea, coffee, snacks, gf options available).
  • Welcome to stay afterwards, open entry for all to view work 11am-1pm.
  • Paintings are for sale.

Information regarding Jacquie’s 2021 high school workshops will also be available. This is particularly relevant to senior visual arts teachers; with open opportunity for questions and discussion of senior art syllabus.

A little about Inscapes 2020:

This collection of paintings was born out of this strange year. Jacquie has turned to natural landscapes and walking in open spaces for inspiration in the past. This year, we were asked to ‘shelter in place’ with our physical movement restricted, and daily life changed. The resulting shift in sensations, thoughts and inward gaze prompted painting meditations on internal terrains. These abstract works employ the artist’s long-standing path motifs to express the sense of containment and deep dive into past experience. Painting became a mode to explore self, cope with change and find beauty in amidst the complications of 2020.

Artlands Conversation Series- check it out!

I’m looking forward to being involved in this conversation series. Below is some info on what the series is about. Artlands have put together a range of sessions, that respond to various aspects of contemporary regional arts practice.

I’ll happily be joining fellow practitioners to discuss: What happens when we slow down and pay attention? This session is not until 2021, however there are several others to check out in the meantime! The program schedule has all the sweet details of topics and conversationalists.

The Artlands Conversation Series is a curated program of critical conversations drawing on themes of cultural landscapes and creative ideas playing out across the nation, and submissions to the Artlands 2020 call for papers. Like Artlands, the Conversation Series will reflect and respond to emerging trends in regional practice, providing a narrative of art as social change and the articulation of cultural identity.

The digital platform will allow for diverse audience engagement through greater accessibility, continuity and connection across the nation.

The Artlands Conversation Series heralds a new long-term approach to the delivery of this critical national event to carry a trajectory between conferences and across conversations.

Online Incursions Senior Vis Arts

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What a crazy time! Sending the best wishes to all teachers nation wide out there who are  adapting to online teaching under time pressures.

I too am adapting my workshops into online resources. With short programs for Year 11s and 12s available starting Term 2. These have connections to the Qld visuals arts syllabus, but would be suitable for other states learning programs as content covers general thinking, making and communication skills.

Click here for some detailed information sheet:


Let me know if you have any questions or would like to chat about your particular circumstances.

Stay well & sane!!  – Jacquie


ph: 0427808090